Sculpture "The Egg" © 2023 K. Peeters
The egg has a multiple symbol value:
1. It is obviously a very important food ingredient. But because chickens eat seeds on the ground, it is also very fragile. Just think of the PFOS affair: in many places in Flanders we have been banned from eating eggs from our own gardens.
2. It is also a metaphor for fertility. From the egg comes an offspring if all goes well. It is a complex matter of DNA and reproduction. A healthy chicken lays an average of 1 egg a day. Can you imagine how important this food was for our ancestors in times of scarcity? So it is also a social survival tool par excellence.
Finally, the egg symbolizes creativity. The 'egg of Columbus'. was first written down in 1565 by Italian historian Girolamo Benzoni in his book Historia del Nuevo Mundo. Even if the anecdote is probably not true, we still have Tesla's egg of Columbus with which he demonstrated the principle of the induction motor at the Chicago World's Fair (1893). And then there are the famous works of art. Think of the famous Fabergé eggs. For both artists and scientists, the egg has been a source of inspiration for many hundreds of years.
The sculpture of 'the egg' contains everything the project revolves around: art, science, biology, social interaction and creativity.